Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) ANANTAPUR (ANDHRA PRADESH) Form Information

About JNV Anantapur

The Vidyalaya is setup in Lepakshi due the historical, cultural and archeologically significance of the site, the archetype for the largest monolithic bull in India. The foundation stone was laid by the then Chief Minister N.T. Rama Rao on 14th September, 1987 being the M.L.A. of Hindupur constituency. Primarily, the Vidyalaya got launched in the police barracks of Hindupur on 15th Feb1988. The school got shifted to the permanent site in the academic year 1991–92.

JNV Anantapur
JNV Anantapur
1.Name of the School with AddressJawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Lepakshi, District Aanantapur, Andhra Pradesh PIN -515331
(ⅱ) Ph. No.08556-240460
(ⅲ) Fax No.08556-240460
2.Year of establishment of School1987

JNV Anantapur Form Details:

Date of ExamDistrict NameCandidates RegisteredCandidates AppearedCandidates AbsentCandidates in %age
11-08-2021ANANTAPUR5279Will Update SoonWill Update SoonWill Update Soon
30-04-2022ANANTAPUR8499Will Update SoonWill Update SoonWill Update Soon

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