Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) (ANDHRA PRADESH) KRISHNA Form Information


  • The 21st  JULY, 1989 was the most auspicious day when the foundation stone of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Veleru, Krishna was laid down by Hon Shri P.Shiva Sankar, HRD Minister. The school campus covers around 19.5 acres of agricultural land. These buildings include the beautiful old Quad, the modern state of art infrastructure and the newly-refurbished student hostels and staff houses. The academic buildings including several classrooms are linked by a computer network. The widespread use of email and an intranet system shrinks the distances and keeps staff, students and administration in quick and easy contact with one another.
1.Name of the School with AddressJawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Veleru Village, Bapulapadu Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, PIN 521110.
(ⅰ) E-Mail
(ⅱ) Ph. No.9440684793
(ⅲ) Fax No.
2.Year of establishment of School1990

JNV Anantapur Form Details:

Date of ExamDistrict NameCandidates RegisteredCandidates AppearedCandidates AbsentCandidates in %age
11-08-2021KRISHNA2056Will Update SoonWill Update SoonWill Update Soon
30-04-2022KRISHNA3572Will Update SoonWill Update SoonWill Update Soon

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